How to Conduct a Successful Remote Board Meeting

The pandemic has made it harder than ever for nonprofits to function and gain community support. Many depend on remote board meetings to make crucial decisions to ensure their survival. It can be difficult to conduct a remote board meeting effectively without the physical presence of all members.

A clear, specific agenda will keep the board meeting you are hosting remotely on track and on the right track at all times. Include your board in the process of establishing the agenda. This will help you decide on the issues should be discussed. Then, distribute the agenda in advance to everyone who will be attending so they can prepare. This will ensure that they are aware of the topics that need to be covered and can include any items on the agenda before hand. Using an online portal for boards that is secure to distribute the agenda as well as other documents will help to reduce security risk.

Video can increase participation in remote board meetings by bringing a crucial face-to-face aspect to the discussions. Video also allows participants to be aware of the body expressions of others and observe nonverbal cues such as anger, frustration or boredom.

Meeting in person may be difficult to schedule for busy boards that juggle many professional and personal commitments. Finding the right time that is suitable for everyone is a lot easier with remote board meeting software. Tools such as SavvyCal’s polls for meetings permit you to propose multiple times for your meeting, and let everyone vote on which times work best for them. This will eliminate the need for back-andforth emails and saves you a lot of time and hassle.

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